Living with Marla

What could happen when you're always around I'd name it Marla?

We fucked shit up at Emmaboda festivalen!

Kategori: Parties

Throwback thursday - Högalidsfestivalen 2012

Kategori: Regular updates

This was the first gig they had after they got GB in on guitar, if I remember everything correctly. and this was last spring (2012)
so they have come a long way since then :)

FÄST 01/02 2013

Kategori: Parties

First video I filmed with my Canon EOS 60D  when I first got it in january.
and of course it was on a party with Marla :)

When it all started.

Kategori: Regular updates

So it's thursday. And usually I post some old ass pictures on my instagram and call it Throwback Thursday (like everyone else on there) And that is quite fun to do, because then you'll get to see how your favorite makeup gurus, or singer/bands looked a couple of years ago. And I though. That I will share the early Marla with you guys today!
Some of you may already know that they've changed their lineup quite a bit since they started in 2010, Although I didn't start to take photos of them until 2011.
And when They asked me to take these photos I haven't touched a SLR camera in years since my first broke down. So when I look back at these pictures I just see all the mistakes that I know that I've could done better..

And here are some unedited shots as well:

Solidens slott

Kategori: Sightseeing

Leo och Tom var bakfulla, Så vi bestämde oss för att dra upp till Soliden och Borgholms slott och kika runt lite. Våran lilla vakthund var med också, och hon kissade även i Kungens trädgård. Och jag såg en Dinosaurie när vi var på väg till slottet men hann aldrig få en bild på det.Och Tom kämpade på med sitt brutna nyckelben. Stackarn lekte med en liten hund (inte vakthunden) och välte omkull så att han råkade bryta det, för dom som är nyfikna på varför han har blått band om axlarna.
Leo and Tom was hungover, so we decided to go up to Soliden and Borgholms castle and look around a bit. Our guard dog was too, and she also peed in the King's garden. And I saw a dinosaur when we were on our way to the castle but I never got a picture of itAnd Tom struggled on with his broken collarbone. Poor guy was playing with a small dog (not the guard dog) and fell so that he happened to break it, for those who are curious as to why he has blue stripes on the shoulders.





Jag vet inte vem det är som slösar mest tid av oss egentligen.

Jag som öppet försvarar det jag står för och verkligen tycker om, trots idioter.

Eller du som letar dig in på bloggen för att se om du har fått något svar eller inte, och sedan inte vågar stå för vad du säger iom att du är såpass feg att du inte ens kan säga vem du är.


Sorry you're not a winner
With the air so cold and a mind so bitter