Förra helgen stack jag, Leo och Tom iväg till emmaboda festivalen. Antagligen mest för att vi har varit där tillsammans varje sommar sen 2011, och för att FSU lite grand. Och eftersom vi hart sådan tur och känner några utav arrangörerna så fick vi en hel del UV färg att leka med under kvällarna. vilket vi även gjorde. Slutade upp med att vi hade sådan färg överall. Så vi får ju hoppas på att det går bort i tvätten!
åh just det, höll ju nästan på att glömma!
Vi stod i kön till Bubble tea ståndet, och helt plötsligt utbrister någon " Nej men det är ju du!" och börjar peka på Tom, varav jag, Tom och Leo står och blir väldigt förvirrade tills personen säger att han är ett fan av I'd name it Marla. och han blev lite extra glad när vi visade att Leo även var på plats! Så han fick sig ett litet klistermärke av oss och sen skulle han komma till campet.
Efter det så tror jag helt ärligt att Leos och Toms bakfylla släpptle lite, för dom var på fruktansvärt bra humör efter det!
Camera used here: Canon Digital Ixus 80 IS
Last weekendI l, Leo and Tom went off to the emmabodafestival.Probablymostly becausewe've been theretogetherevery summersince2011,andforFSUlittle.And because we areso luckyandknow some people we got alot ofUVpaintto play withduring the evenings. It ended up with us having it everywhere on us! So let's hope it will go away in the washing machine!
ohyeah,I almostforgot! We stoodin the queue forBubbleteawagon, and suddenlysomeonesayss " Oh no! it's you!" andstartingpoint toTom, AndI, Tom and Leogot very confuseduntil the personsays he'sa fan ofI'dname itMarla. andhegot a littleextrahappywhen we showedthat Leoalsowaswith us!So hegothimselfa small sticker from usand thenhe said he sould come tothe camp. After that, I think quite honestlythatLeoand Tomhangoverwent away a bit,Because their mood was off the charts after that!
It just struck me that I never introduced myself here yet. A little odd, given that I had this blog for a few months now. Well, well, sometimes it happens that you forget things.
Who am I? My name is Emily, I'm 23 years old and currently lives in Kalmar.
I am currently working as a freelance makeup artist and photographer and Beautyblogger. Makeup and photography are my main interests. Beyond that, I have a small Chinese Crested named Denka (pronounced Dinka) as you may have seen somewhere here on the blog.
Why I chose to be a photographer for I'd name it Marla? Well, I've always liked to photograph. But I had put it half on the shelf when the old set of I'd name it Marla came and asked me if I wanted to take some band pictures on them. I'm not one to say no. But I know they got to nag on me a while , I had not touched a camera in almost two years and I had to borrow one from a friend.
All said and done, I took the pictures. Then I got more and more questions if I could take pictures of them live , and then finally I was asked if I could accompany them out and take pictures when they play elsewhere than in Oskarshamn and Kalmar. And this is one of the most enjoyable things I've done in a really long time.
So when we were in Stockholm for the first time and would eat in some small kebabplace it hit me. I should start a blog. A blog where I can share with you if traveling band and I will do together, what restaurants that are good or bad, The shenaningans the band does all the time. Yes, lots of things I could share with me here. So all said and done. As fast as I got home I started the blog and started fiddling with it. And it is not perfect yet. for right now, it has only a temporary design. But it will be so much nicer then.
Unfortunately, I know that people do not agree with my way of thinking. They've gotten the idea that I'm self-proclaimed band photographer when it was the band who chose me in the beginning, and then keep on trying to get me to stop. Unfortunately, they probably so scared and unsure of themselves that they have to take it out on others. Because they are not really anything yet envious of what I have for example
And quite honestly? I think like this: Those who make their way to bully is just so unsure of themselves that they are really doing is adding the anger , the energy they get from being jealous of others all the time and then goes around and press down other innocent people who have not done them anything. They should focus the anger and the jealousy on themselves. For it is not my fault that Miss. Anonymous is not good enough at anything so she must take the first person and make it in to her victim. Most often they are doing it because they really want to do it to himself.
Band photographer for I'd name it Marla. I thought that I could share my adventures with the band when they're on the road :)
You are NOT allowed to use my pictures without my permission. They are copyrighted, and if you just steal them and edit/crops them without me knowing, it will get expensive for you.